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Videos to provide value for your management and leadership journey

There are several (or many) frameworks specific to software development. In this post I want to introduce you, my “I …

Here is a great tool to have in your toolbox when assessing your department or team and how it can …

This post ties into a recent post of mine regarding of The Ideal Team Player and what the fable shares …

This is another fantastic book by Patrick Lencioni. If you have not guessed it yet, I truly enjoy his books …

What is Scrum?   From Wikipedia: Scrum is a framework for managing work with an emphasis on software development. It …

I had a recent situation where I asked a simple clarifying question and one of my employees came back with …

Leadership expert Dan Rock­ well says the “secret sauce” ingredient that makes great leaders great is humility. Here are Rockwell’s …

Do you want to be a transformational leader? Have you been charged with lead­ing your company through a major change? …

  “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest” Benjamin Franklin   This is one of the main reasons I …

This will be the third post regarding shared visions.   This post I wanted to reflect on an inspired shared …

My wife “forced” me to watch this video.  She felt inspired and was moved by it, so I figured I …

I wanted to continue my thoughts on creating and sharing a business or company vision.   A vision, as noted …

From Pedals to Pixels

From Pedals to Pixels: How Bob’s Bicycles Rode the Wave of Digital Transformation   What is Digital Transformation? Digital transformation is the process of integrating digital technologies into all areas

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Grow Smarter, Not Harder

Grow Smarter, Not Harder: Bite-Sized Leadership Wisdom with I Power Ideas   In the whirlwind of daily responsibilities, it’s easy to overlook professional development. But why is it so crucial?

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