
One of the things that drives us is the need to serve others. It is in the roots or DNA of human beings as well as it makes us feel so good.
As a leader, we need to serve others within our team. We should not just think of them as employees doing work for us, we need to show them we care and are interested in them as well as having sympathy, compassion, and empathy.
This will bring your team members closer together as well as build a foundation of trust that will only increase efficiencies, productivity, and quality in their work. In addition, we all want our team members to be engaged and happy to be at work.
Being happy at work only proliferates or ripples as they go and spread their happiness in their job to their family, friends, and colleagues, which then increases the interest, and drive to want to work for you and the company or organization.
My wife passed this along and it really is true – Simon Sinek said, “Truly effective and inspiring leaders aren’t actually driven to lead people; they are driven to serve them.”
I truly hope we can all see this and embrace it to make it a natural part of our leadership DNA.