Reflect on Shared Vision

Reflect on Inspired Vision

This will be the third post regarding shared visions.


This post I wanted to reflect on an inspired shared vision


Part of my reflecting on a shared vision is searching for opportunities by seizing the initiative and by looking outward for innovative ways to improve.


Such as:

• Listen to own staff, see how they want to hear and learn about the vision (verbally, visually, project or task based learning). This is important as we all interpret and process information in different ways. I got into this in more detail in my post about Reading People.  It is also a key point brought out in ITIL – he is more information about it on the Axelos site.


• Talk and listen to other leaders in organization – gleam what has and has not worked from them (learn and grow from errors and successes)


• Take classes and read leadership books and take away things you want to try and be innovative. Some of the books that have really helped me are in my books forum.


• Fun team building exercises. These provide to be helpful and fun if done right. Having a well-thought out team building exercise can be a lot of fun and then having a well-prepared message can leave lasting memories and thoughts. I also always ask what can we learn from this experience (facilitate consistent and small wins)


Here are some other ideas I have learned about that I will incorporate and I offer them as ideas for you:


• Let one idea grow from another one. This has helped me many times in the past and why I firmly believe in meetings where people can open up and share ideas – true brain-storming. An example that I heard at a recent workshop was someone had received a printed receipt from the sales person who was out on the floor interacting with the customer at an Apple store which then triggered a discussion of this employee and his team at the DMV on how to get people who are waiting in line and how to process their requests at the DMV faster so all the customers had to do was pay at the counter.


• Another example and one that makes me think of Scrum and the very quick morning meetings was what someone called “Morning Huddle”. No one likes meetings that go on and on. Meetings should be quick and to the point. They should really be swift, even just 5 minutes. They should have clear and simple agenda and goals with clear action items that are summarized at the end of the meeting so everyone is clear on what needs to be done. But the morning huddle was a great way to get quick and easy answers, updates, and collaborate.


I encourage you to experiment and take some calculated risks and constantly generate small wins and learning from these experiences.

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