Radical Candor

I Power Seed:
Much like concepts in the book, “The Truth About Employee Engagement”, it’s not easy to tell someone they are messing up, but maybe they don’t realize it and need help. Or they need some direction or support.


They want to be part of it as well as you don’t want them around to spread to others or push others away. Feelings of why should I work harder when they don’t. These feelings drag positive and productive culture down.


The number of these types of individuals will increase when managers hire similar team members which decreases chances of positive change.


To keep with the theme of the I Power Ideas site, this will not be an in-depth review but rather selected highlights to pique your interest in the book, read it, and understand the concepts in more detail.


The negative behavior when accepted and allowed says management is accepting sub-par behavior. As well as tells the team it is ok to be a weak link. Lastly, they have to pick up the slack and that won’t last long.


Similar stories, employees feel deceived if they don’t get positive feedback or areas of opportunity. And not just once a year.


As a manger, once you lose the confidence and trust of your team, it is exceptionally hard to get it back.


Apple hires those to tell them what to do, not the other way around.


Listen, it is our jobs as managers to make hard decisions and toe the line.


Like the book, “5 Dysfunctions of a Team”, the very top piece is Results. Bosses are supposed to produce results.

1. Abence of trust
2. Fear of conflict
3. Lack of commitment
4. Avoidance of accountability
5. Inattention to results.


She used examples on how to keep employees motivated. Motivation is good, but thinks it could be just short term. She likes employees who are engaged as that lasts and produces longevity and loyalty.


Trust, she says, is important, like 5 dysfunctions.


You have to start by giving a darn.


Care Personally.
Challenge Directly.
Radical Candor happens when you put these two things together.


I Power Seed:
These two concepts reminds me of my short time at Intel where meetings were direct and heated. But it kept the presenters on their toes as well as it encouraged them to prepare significantly more as their proposal will be picked apart for any gaps or issues and in a heated way. However, it produced some incredible results.


Use humility.


Your colleagues appreciate the candor. Shows them that you care. That you will take the time to do it.


Labeling hinders growth.


She provides a story of sounding dumb during a meeting. Made the comment immediately, did it candidly, and did not make it personal. Very smart in the presentation but sounded stupid. Want to lose credibility with team – this was on way the author says it will.


Free culture to offer ideas and feel they are heard. And if they get legs, then it will get running.


Like the book, “Stengths Based Leadership”, focus time and energy on strengths. Her book says she put people into positions around their strengths.


Ultimately showing you care, provides significant motivation for the employee.


Andy Grove said Steve Jobs always gets it right. He is not always right, but allows his teams to tell him how to do it right so he always gets it right. Get it right vs being right.


Steve Jobs, had his team prove him wrong or he proved them wrong.


More quiet listening.


Give feedback right at the moment. Don’t wait to make it formal. Like your personal life, you don’t wait to tell someone something, do the same in your professional life.


Don’t defend criticism. Makes it feel like you don’t care or listen.


Acknowledge what they are feeling or frustrated at. Don’t tell them to not feel that way.


She provides an excellent example of a new system to increase efficiencies in the air by allowing pilots to get immunity for sharing data to help prevent further issues.


Debate not decide. Let those know we will debate but make no decisions. There will be no winners or losers.


Focus on behavior not character.


If it is in your way, move it out of the way.



Buy the Book

I Power Seeds

Here are our takeaways and thoughts - pause and reflect, then nourish and grow!

A few notes about the book:

A good book on how to find ways to be effective in being an example and coaching those around you without delay while being professional and genuine.

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